2009. 12. 20. 19:27ㆍOld Korean Letter and Money-PR
A story about Ancient pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet
in 단군조선(檀君朝鮮, Dangoon-Joseon) Dynasty-1
단군(檀君, Dangoon) who was the first king built 조선(朝鮮,Joseon)
Nation from B.C. 2333.
Nobody believes this fact except several ethnic history savant (pundit).
Almost all the people regard this history as legend and myth.
So they didn't find this pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet and
Mingdo(명도,明刀) Bronze Money.
Almost all the people also learn and know Mingdo(명도,明刀) Bronze Money
as Chinese Bronze Money of Yen 연(燕) Dynasty.
I think the nation power of 단군조선(檀君朝鮮, Dangoon-Joseon) Dynasty
was much stronger than Yen 연(燕) Dynasty.
Listen to forefathers' words.
1) Great king Sejong(세종대왕, 世宗大王, 1397-1450)
He said " This is to make it 새로이 newly(신제,新制)".
This holy word means not the first letters but new letters
which imitate Ancient pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet .
2) 정인지(鄭麟趾, Jeong In-ji, 1396-1478)
He wrote " 상형이자방고전(象形而字倣古篆)" in a textbook for Examples
(훈민정음해례본, 訓民正音解例本) .
I'll translate [render, turn, put] Korean into English.
한글(Hangeul or 훈민정음(訓民正音)) is a pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet, and letters imitated
고전(古篆, ancient China Character calligraphy style).
In my opinion, 고전(古篆, ancient China Character calligraphy style) is
Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet.
3) 한치윤(韓致奫, 1765-1814)
He described "자모(子母, son and mother) Money" in 해동역사(海東繹史; a kind of history book).
The correct meaning of "자모(子母, son and mother) Money" is "자모자(子母字, consonants and vowels) Money"
He insisted my ancestors made and used this "자모전(子母錢)".
I assert this "자모전(子母錢)" is Mingdo(명도,明刀) Bronze Money.
Now I'm making this real and right history clear.
<결어(結語) concluding words>
As you know, Korea was colonialized by Japan from 1910 to 1945.
That time, Japan distorted and perverted Korean history.
Japan fabricated and concocted 단군조선(檀君朝鮮, Dangoon-Joseon) Dynasty.
Even they omited 단군조선(檀君朝鮮, Dangoon-Joseon) Dynasty.
So almost all the people didn't know Mingdo(명도,明刀) Bronze Money
was Korean Bronze Money(태양전,太陽錢, Sun Bronze Money) .
I'm sure "흐" Nation Name means [해, hae,] Sun Bronze Money.
My decoding and decipherment will go on in English.
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