4. 단군조선 천자문: 개 견(犬), 닭 계(鷄), 오리 압(鴨)

2009. 12. 19. 11:32Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

4. 단군조선 천자문: 개 견(犬), 닭 계(鷄), 오리 압(鴨)

1) Dog, 견(犬), 개







This Symbol is Dog.

It is very simple and fun.

" ㄱ" form of the first original Korean Alphabet and a modern Korean Alphabet is  same form and sound[ㄱ, g] .

It's the most important  thing to know  the meaning of a " ㄱ" form.

Because " ㄱ" is the first letter in a modern Korean Alphabet and

whole world letters "ㄱ" " Г" have a same sound [ㄱ,g].

Sequent order of another  Korean Alphabet letters are changed. 

" ㄱ" form is  to draw in profile of a dog.

Two lines on " ㄱ" are [ㅐ, ae]sound.


And these two lines represent "two ears of a dog".

What a perfect picture! 


It's not easy to find a only one Korean 상형문자(象形文字) pictograph(hieroglyphic (character)) sound .


It's a kind of looking for a hidden picture.


We've got to imagine both "ㄱ[g]" and "ㄴ[n]" in a "ㄱ"

Did you find "ㄴ[n]" ?


If you turn "ㄱ" , you can make "ㄴ".


It's very very very creative.


I respect (esteem, venerate) my forefathers and am proud of them.


Maybe they had high intellectual powers and mental faculties.








2) Chicken (a hen; a cock, a rooster ),계(鷄),닭


This is a chicken.


∠ letter is the topside of the head of a chicken and [ㄷ, d]sound.


A wave ⎯ is maybe the eye of a chicken.

A sound is [ㅏ,a].


Z letter is an English Alphabet now, and [ㄹㄱㅅ, lgs] sound here.

Z is the bulk of the body of chicken with a wing.



Look at the upper picture.


Z is composed of three consonants -[ㄹ,l][ㄱ,g] and [ㅅ,s].



One Korean 상형문자(象形文字) pictograph sound of a chicken is [계(鷄), gye].


This time, we have to read and decipher (decode) it from the bottom to the top.

Z letter which is an English Alphabet now is [ㄱㅡ, geo] sound here.

The sound of a wave ⎯ is [ㅓ, eo].

∠ letter which is the topside of the head of a chicken is [ l ,i].



In the final analysis,

we can sound [계, gye, (鷄)].





3) Duck, 오리, 압(鴨)


This is a Duck.


The first letter is the whole figure of a duck.


շ character is a sound [오, ㅇ], that is, this is to bend and crook one vowel "l".

∠ means a [ㄹ, l]sound and ㅣ means a [ㅣ , I] vowel sound .



Perhaps it's a long stick with wooden duck and wild goose

which is standing in the gate of a village

to prevent and defeat a hapless [an untoward] fate.




Where is a [압, ab, 鴨]sound?


U which is a modern English Alphabet means a [ ㅂ, b]sound

in the first original Korean Alphabet of 단군조선(檀君朝鮮, Dangoon-



"l" means a [아, a]sound.


So the lower letter is a [압, ab, 鴨]sound.