2. 단군조선 천자문: 바다해(海),배주(舟),섬도(島)

2009. 12. 18. 09:04Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

2. 단군조선 천자문: 바다해,배주,섬도

I'm showing you pictures from number 1) to number 3).


1) Sea, 해(海), 바다

This Symbol is Sea.

The top "ㅇ“ means [ㅐ,ae] sound , that is, this circle is to bind two straight lines(


ᅌ(I call this symbol "fruit “ㅇ”")  means a kind of [ㅎ, h]sound.

So we can make this  Chinese character sound [해, hae].


In my opinion , this only one sound is

not  Chinese character sound but Korean character sound .

After this, I'll describe  Chinese character sound as  Korean character sound .



<자료(資料) material>



How amazing!


After I read this picture-character,

my wife’s cousin brother (He is a great history and language scholar.

His job is 법무사(法務士) a judicial scrivener .) verified  my research.

He also verified this picture-character.

The lower two letters are ship and wave.

Maybe you agree with me that these two picture-characters are ship and wave.

The form of a ship expresses a [ 바, ba] sound.
The form of a wave expresses a [ 다, da] sound.

You can see two wave lines.

One represents a [ㄷ, d] sound, the other  represents a [ㅏ, a] sound.

So we can speak like [ 해(海) hae, 바다 bada] from the top to the bottom.




2) Ship, 주(舟) , 배


<자료(資料) material>



This Symbol is Ship.


A main picture-character is, you know, a ship.

The sound of the ship is [ㅂ, b].

Two oval lines are  a glow in the sky with the setting sun or wind.

The sound of two oval lines is [ .l ] .

And now we read it as [ㅐ, ae]

because vowel forms of a modern Korean Alphabet(

한글,Hangeul) are changed from  Sejong's  Korean Alphabet.

And then  the only main picture-character of a ship becomes

Korean china character sound [주, 舟].


Round ∀ means  [ㅈ, j]sound.

Another  ∇(an inverted triangle)  means  [ㅜ, u]sound.

Our forefathers made  one line of a [ㅜ, u]sound an inverted triangle"∇".





In this case, we can cancel two oval lines.

It's the miracle of a creative  thinking.


Let's  compare this picture-character [배(ship),bae] with sun picture-character

[해(sun), hae].

The sound of two oval lines of two picture-characters is [ .l --> now ㅐ(ae)].

We can know sound  rule and regulation.


So it is not picture Chinese character ( 漢字) but Korean Alphabet Character (한글,



3) island, 도(島),섬


This Symbol is Island.




To our surprise [astonishment, shock, dismay],

we can find this word

in a textbook

for 훈민정음(訓民正音) the Korean Alphabet script -해례(解例) Solving Examples.



ㅅ form of the first original Korean Alphabet and a modern Korean Alphabet is

 same form and sound[ㅅ, s].


So this ㅅ is very important like "ㄱ[ㄱ,g], ㄷ [ㄷ, d]" .



// two slashes mean [ㅕ , yeo]

Joseon(조선, 朝鮮) Dynasty Sejong's Korean Alphabet spelling is not [ㅓ, eo]sound

but [ㅕ , yeo]sound.



∇ picture-letter means [ㅁ, m]sound.



The last picture-letter ᗨ means [도, do(島)]sound.




∧ form expresses a island.

// form expresses the waterway of a ship.

∇ and ᗨ express a ship.


These letters are a short story which someone gets to a island

across a sea by ship.