37. 단군조선 천자문-황새 a white stork.

2010. 1. 4. 19:45Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

37. 단군조선 천자문-황새 a white stork.




This letter is "White stork".


At first I read it as a crane.


But I knew the archaic word of [황, hwang] was

[한, han, It means "Big"] from some SBS(KNN)

TV broadcasting program.


So I wondered if it was a crane or a white stork.


Great master Jo said it was a white stork.



I found a crane

in p. 305 of 선진화폐문자편(先秦貨幣文字編).






this letter is not a crane but a white stork.


ᑎ is a kind of [ㅎ,h]sound , and ᒥ is a [ㄴ, n]sound.



maybe it is Number 1 .


We call Number 1 [한, han], so I think it is Number 1.

Number 2 is [두, du].

Number 3 is [세, se].