Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet-8

2010. 1. 4. 13:12Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet-8


- Special letter on the back bottom of an earthen vessel of

신석기(新石器, a neolith; a neolithic stone implement) in Korea.





 <From  한국고대문화의 비밀,김영사,이형구님 지음,133 >








I 'll tell you about it in detail.


A sound starts from the left-upper letter  "ㄱ" .


The value of a sound "ㄱ" is same  from old-Korean Alphabet to modern Hangeul.


And "ㄱ" in the world is a same sound-[g], for example, G (a  different kind of ㄱ) .




Look at the "ㄱ" example in Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet.






Next is ㅗ , 工, ㄴ [ㄴ, n] .


Now we know   [ㄴ, n] sound is only "ㄴ" .


But there are 3 shapes (ㄴ, ㅗ, 工) in old-Korean Alphabet .



So nobody interprets old-Korean Alphabet

because it was more complex than modern Hangeul and

almost all the people  ignore forbearers' capability and faculty.





Next is < .


I said this letter < was C .

The original form of Hangeul ㄷ was C.

King Sejong only designed C  as Hangeul ㄷ.

And if we lengthen C like ,

we can sound [ㅌ, t].




Look at the "C" example in Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet.




Next is ㅣ, ᛇ .


It is very difficult to understand its sound[ㄹ, l ].


Because the consonant "ㅣ"[ㄹ, l ] is confused with a vowel

"ㅣ" [a,i,o,u,eo] .


To understand its role is a key for solving Ancient Korean pictograph 상형문자(象形文字) Alphabet .



Next is ㅅ, ⧍, ᚹ.


ㅅ is a [ㅅ,s] sound .

Ancient Hangeol and modern Hangeol have a same sound.


Maybe ⧍ is a[쉬, ʃ ]sound .


Sejong's Hangeol has this ⧍, but now it is disappeared.

"ᚹ" is a [ㅊ, tʃ] sound.