13. 단군조선 천자문-곰 웅(熊)

2009. 12. 26. 18:31Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

13. 단군조선 천자문-곰 웅(熊)




This letter is " Bear, 곰, 웅(熊)".


Please imagine the whole body of a bear.

This letter means the shape of a bear which scratches the tree

and stands by it embracing a tree.


This letter is to tie " 곰 [Gom]" and " 웅[Ung]".


Give [pay] attention to( take notice of) a small point, please.


This is [ㅇ, ng] of a "final" (consonant or consonant cluster) on the end of a Korean orthographic syllable.


Now you can find this sound [ㅇ, ng] in 범어(梵語) Sanskrit (Pali).


Look at this photo.




You can find " 옴[om]" sound in the photo.

I myself took a picture at Tongdo-temple (通道寺) in Yangsan(梁山) where I live now.


Once more ㅣ'll  show you a[ng]sound.