12. 단군조선 천자문-돼지 돈(豚)

2009. 12. 26. 13:22Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

12. 단군조선 천자문-돼지 돈(豚)



This letter is " Pig ,돼지 돈(豚)".


What is the special [distinctive] feature of a pig?


I think " the nose of a pig ."


Here you can imagine the nose of a pig.


The first letter means 도[do] sound and nose of a pig.

You can surmise (conjecture) the nose of a pig.


So fun.


The second letter means ㅌ[t] sound and another nose of a pig.

Chinese character 漢字 sound " 돈(don, 豚)" of a pig

is almost same .



Think Chinese character 漢字 sound "토(兎)[to]" of a rabbit

and Chinese character 漢字 sound " 돈(don, 豚)" of a pig.


"토(兎)[to]" sound and 토[to] of 토끼[toki] sound are same .

"돈(don, 豚)"sound and 돝[dot] sound are almost same .


So I guess Chinese character 漢字 sounds were my forefathers' sounds.




several Korean Scholars insisted

Chinese character 漢字  was Korean character 韓字.




Even Chinese partial Scholars said "The original character of Chinese character 漢字 was 골각문자(骨角文字, a letter before an oracle letter), it was made by

동이(東夷, ancient main Korean people,

Chinese people called Korean people "동이(東夷, [Dong-i]" )."




We have much to learn newly.


Look at

China report about 골각문자(骨角文字, a letter before an oracle letter).






Again I deciphered a pig.



I think this letter is a pig.



In my opinion ,

former letter of a fig is [통(桶) , tong]sound.

[통(桶) , tong] means a can(a tub; a cask; a barrel; a pail; a bucket).