28. 단군조선 천자문-병아리(비육, a chick; a chicken)

2010. 1. 2. 10:08Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

28. 단군조선 천자문-병아리(비육, a chick; a chicken)


This is a decisive proof like a fish.






This letter is "Chick".

The archaic word of [병아리, byeong-a-li] is [비육, biyug].

We can know it through 훈민정음해례본(訓民正音解例本).


But in the first [initial, incipient ] stage,

I couldn't find it.


Where did I find it?


I found it in p.304 of 선진화폐문자편(先秦貨幣文字編).





The face of a chick is a [비,bi]sound, and

two wings of a chick are a [육, yug]sound.


Chinese scholars didn't solve it.


What is your opinion?


Maybe you'll agree with me.