27. 단군조선 천자문-기러기,a wild goose,안(鴈).

2010. 1. 2. 09:33Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

27. 단군조선 천자문-기러기,a wild goose,안(鴈).






This letter is "Wild goose".



The archaic word of [기러기, gileogi] is [그력, geulyeog].



We can know it through 훈민정음해례본(訓民正音解例本).





The first "그" letter is [그 ㄹ, geu l ] sound and face of a wild



The second "U" letter is [ㅕ, yeo] sound and trunk of it.



The third " Г " letter is [ㄱ, g] sound and tail of it.




And the third " Г " letter means [안, an, 鴈]