8. 단군조선 천자문-여우 호(狐)Fox

2009. 12. 24. 09:08Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

8. 단군조선 천자문-여우 호(狐)




This Symbol is  Fox and Vixen .


The present letters   of  Fox  are  "여우[yeo-u]".

The archaic [obsolete] word of "여우[yeo-u]" is "녀우[nyeo-u]".

If you untie "녀우[nyeo-u]",

you can know "ㄴ, ㅕ , ㅜ "( You can omit "ㅇ“ of "우”).

Draw  the picture of a fox  with  "ㄴ, ㅕ , ㅜ ".

You can draw the face of a fox with "ㄴ and  ㅕ" .

You can draw the tail of a fox with  " ㅜ " .



It's so unique ,original,  inventive, and ingenious.





Now you can read them as "호[ho, 狐]" from the bottom to the top .