65. 고조선문자-올챙이a tadpole; a polliwog.

2013. 1. 4. 12:59Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

65. 고조선문자 -올챙이 a tadpole


This letter is ' Tadpole'.






<<source: Chinese scholar's book-선진화폐문자편, 先秦貨幣文字編>>



Before people listen to my explanation , they can't know it.


People only can see a certain  circle and  a certain rolling line.


And chinese scholar didn't decipher and explain it.  


Imagine, please.


A certain circle is the head of a tadpole, and a certain rolling line is the tail of a tadpole.



We can confirm it with another picture.




                                             << source.: Gocheonweonji-Chinese Blog>>



As you imagine it, it's the letter of a tadpole.


In addition  we can find this word in 훈민정음 해례본(Hoonminjeongeum, 訓民正音).


I affirm it's the letter of a tadpole.