50. 단군조선 천자문-메뚜기,여치 [총칭] a grasshopper

2010. 1. 15. 11:46Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

50. 단군조선 천자문-메뚜기,여치

[총칭] a grasshopper; 『벼메뚜기』 a locust.






(source: chinese blog)





These letters are a kind of a grasshopper.

I don't know which letter is a grasshopper or a long-horned grasshopper.

The definite fact is that they are a kind of a grasshopper.


<source of the right letter: 선진화폐문자편(先秦貨幣文字編), p.11)>

Chinese scholars insist the right letter is "中".

I don't get it.