32. 단군조선 천자문-깃 feathers; plumes; [집합적] plumage.

2010. 1. 3. 09:43Old Korean Letter and Money-PR

32. 단군조선 천자문-깃 feathers; plumes; [집합적] plumage.




This letter is "Feathers and Bird(’s) nest".


The Korean Alphabet of Feathers and Bird(’s) nest is same.



爲巢[소] -Bird(’s) nest


Before everything else, let's consider (털)-Feathers.


The upper letter is [기,gi] sound and feathers.

The lower letter "θ" is [ㅅ,s] sound and eye of a bird.


Next is 爲巢[소] -Bird(’s) nest.


The upper letter is [기,gi] sound and tree.

The lower letter "θ" is [ㅅ,s] sound and bird(’s) nest.


This is a duplication-letter and homonym.