20. 단군조선 천자문-노루a roe deer;『수노루』 a roe-buck. 獐
2009. 12. 31. 10:24ㆍOld Korean Letter and Money-PR
20. 단군조선 천자문-노루a roe deer;『수노루』 a roe-buck. 獐
This letter is " Roe-buck ."
At first,
I couldn't find "Buck" written in 훈민정음해례본(訓民正音解例本).
Because Chinese scholar hid this letter in 제(齊) 명도(明刀).
I found this letter in
出處, the origin; the source,선진화폐문자편(先秦貨幣文字編), p. 313.
제(齊) 명도(明刀) is also old-Korea Sun Money.
This is to express only " horns of a buck" and omit that body.
You may agree with me.
'Old Korean Letter and Money-PR' 카테고리의 다른 글
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